divendres, 30 de març del 2012


I was on a train with my family. There were strange shadows. At night, we were sleeping, when we heard someone shouting. I turned on the light. My sister wasn't in the bedroom, she disappeared. We were very frightened. We looked for my sister, but we didn't find her. We went to the hall, there were people. We asked them if they saw my sister, but nobody saw her. 
Then, strange shadows appeared and we heard strange noises. Some objects started to float on the air. Suddenly, I saw my sister, she was with a... ghost. She was crying. I ran behind them. The ghost was very fast, and I didn't catch them.
Two houres later, I found the ghost. He was playing with my sister. She was happy. The ghost wasn't bad, he only wanted to have friends. We played with him.
I woke up in my bedroom. It was only a dream!

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